Knee Pain Do’s and Don’ts with Physiotherapy Treatment in Malaysia

knee pain treatment in malaysia

The misconception that knee injury is only common amongst athletes and sports people is further than the truth. In fact, it has been known to be a prevalent condition affecting many lives of different ages and backgrounds. From tennis players to homemakers, the debilitating knee pain can dampen your routine and cause many restrictions sometimes for days, even weeks. 

Thus, it only makes sense to first grasp an understanding of the causes behind your knee pain before looking into physiotherapy treatment available in Malaysia. While we are at it, we would also explore some of the dos and don’ts you should be aware of in managing your knee pain. Let’s get right to it!

What Causes Knee Pain & Physiotherapy in Malaysia

As the knee joint is built to carry body weight while providing flexibility and mobility, its construction also comes with a predisposition of injury risk from repeated wear and tear and sudden movement. Hence, your knee pain can originate from a range of acute injuries to chronic conditions. 

When we are looking from the injury angle, sprains and strains, fractures, meniscus tears and ACL tears can contribute to knee pain. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are also common culprits for those who suffer from knee pain. Certain circumstances of overusing and misalignment such as the Runner’s Knee Syndrome and Iliotibial Band Syndrome also result in knee pain for many out there. 

Something to bear in mind is the factors that can increase the risk of knee problems leading to knee pain such as gain of excessive weight, lack of muscle strength or flexibility, involvement in sports and activities with heavy use of knee joint, and previous knee injury that had been sleeping on you.

While there are surgical options for some causes of knee pain in Malaysia, the majority of knee pain requires consistent treatment such as physiotherapy. One thing you can clear your mind off is the worry about finding the best rehabilitation centre in Malaysia

Managing Knee Pain: Dos and Don’ts from the Best Physiotherapy in Malaysia

Do Regular Workouts

And when we say this, we aren’t talking about heavy lifting with your knee injury and pain, but curated exercises advised by professionals to help you strengthen your muscles and help them remain flexible while you are recovering. 

Don’t Overstrain Your Knees

One of the leading causes of knee pain is overusing it, especially when it has already been giving you hints of weakness and building up of pain. Avoid neglecting those signs and to prevent further damage, remember to take a break from repetitive activities you are aware are the cause of your knee pain. 

Do Apply the RICE Method

The easiest way to combat inflammation, knee pain and swelling is to Rest your knee in a comfortable position, apply Ice around the affected region, and wrap a Compression bandage before keeping your leg in an Elevated position. This old-school RICE method is known to reduce stress from the knee and is beneficial for its healing process. 

Don’t Be in The Same Position Too Long

With a whole day sitting and working through your screens for long hours, little did you know your knees are stiff by just being in the same position for too long, causing you to suffer from knee pain or worsening one you are already in. Best to make time to move around or take a walk every half an hour, just to keep the knees going. Your entire body would be thanking you for it. 

Do Wear the Right Footwear

Believe it or not, what you slip on your feet impacts your knee more than you’d realise. Hence, worn-out footwear or ones that don’t fit your feet properly can cause distress on your leg including your knees. Moving forward, choose cushioned insoles that can reduce stress over your knees. 

Don’t Shy Away from Walking Aid

It might not go with your outfit or plan for the day, but one way of looking at it is that you are supporting your knee with its need with necessary aids such as walking sticks or knee braces, ultimately putting yourself away from the annoying pain you would have to endure otherwise. 

Why Consider Physiotherapy Treatment for Knee Pain in Malaysia?

Let it be a knee injury leading up to the pain, or a condition whether by hereditary or developed over time, it affects the quality of your life tremendously if not given necessary and proper attention. Hence, getting professional help from trained therapists equipped with knowledge and experience to facilitate your individual needs in a physiotherapy centre in Malaysia is crucial for your healing journey. Knee pain treatment in Malaysia can be treated accordingly in various ways, all depending on your assessment and condition. 

At Apple Physio, aside from back pain treatment in Malaysia, in terms of knee pain treatment, we have experts in handling different needs of knee injury and pain and are able to individualise your treatment accordingly.